Monthly Archives: September 2022

Successful Campaigning

Speaking at our next meeting on October 6 will be Amandine Alexandre, who is a journalist and clean air campaigner with Mums for Lungs. She grew up in Corsica in the 1980s at a time when cigarette smoke was ubiquitous – including in the classroom – and children didn’t have to wear seat belts when travelling in the back of cars! 

Since becoming aware of the high level of air pollution in North West London in 2016, Amandine has been campaigning for clean air as well as safer roads for pedestrians and cyclists in her local area and across London. She will share with us the ups and downs of her campaigning journey, the reasons why she is so eager to see fewer cars on the roads and why she would like more women of all cycling abilities to get about on 2 or 3 wheels. Amandine will talk about strategies she has used to draw attention to the problem of pollution in NW London.

Photograph by Jonathan Goldberg